Recent works

Writing Chapter Four (Results) of quantitative dissertation
Write-up and data analysis in SPSS. The whole project was completed within 1 week.

Study design for DNP project
Structuring the study for Doctor of Nursing Practice project. That included choosing the right study design, sample size, and appropriate statistical tests.

Pre-treatment and post-treatment
Paired t-tests in SPSS to compare pre-treatment and post-treatment results and identify variables associated with post-treatment outcomes.

ANOVA and Post-hoc tests in pedagogy
ANOVA and Post-hoc tests in SPSS to determine if there are differences between examined groups and assess the extent of them.

Logistic regression model in the medical field
Logistic regression and odds models were performed to identify factors that may have influence on the outcome variables of interest.

Factors affecting flat prices – Linear regression
Using R, linear regression was performed to identify which of the examined factors affected the outcome.

Questionnaires with ordinal variables
Several ordinal logistic regressions (OLRs) and one cumulative OLR were performed. The influence of individual independent variables was examined, and the most significant predictors of the model were selected.

Models with a numeric dependent variable
Linear regression models were chosen as a suitable method for predicting scores in performance tests. During the analysis, both numerical and categorical variables were analyzed.

Data analysis of online survey
Descriptive statistics and data visualization (bar charts, pie charts) in Excel.

Chi-square test in pedagogy
Chi-square test was used to find the differences between groups (students in different years of study and curriculum).

Time series analysis of crime data
Step-wise linear regression was applied to find factors (economic, social, and cultural) that best explain the USA’s changing crime rates. The report was delivered in APA format.

Chi-square test in the medical field
I examined the data using descriptive statistics. Chi-square test was conducted to illustrate the differences between hospitals.

Spearman’s correlation in the medical field
In Excel, F-test and t-tests were both performed to compare male and female patients. Spearman’s correlation was used to determine the relationship

Meta-analysis of medical studies
Literature review of 30+ articles. This involved both analysing the stats used in the papers and reviewing the articles.